Tonight's forecast in The Bronx calls for cloudy night skies with strong breezes of wind. Here's a full weather report for Notre Dame vs Army at Yankee Stadium tonight at 7:00pm EST
Photo by The Irish Tribune
Here are some all the quick hitters you need to know about the weather for tonight's matchup between the Fighting Irish and the Black Knights. From temperature to wind directions.
Temperature & Sky:
Cloudy skies all day and night long. Come kickoff: The temperature will set at 45 degrees for virtually the entire game (Will increase to 46 degrees from 10:30pm onward).
A 35-45% chance of rain will occur from 12am-5am on Saturday, but no further rain is expected the rest of the day.
Wind Speeds:
Windspeeds are ranging from 6-16 mph throughout the day, with gusts up to 38 mph. Expect the gusts to die down slightly to 31 mph during the game. Winds are expected to be in the low double-digit range for the entirety of the game. Wind direction will be mostly heading west for the duration of the game. Examining the field layout, the wind will be either at the back or attacking the kicker, aiming slightly right if the kicker is kicking towards the endzone that has "Notre Dame" spelled out (The other endzone has "NYC" spelled out from my observations).
Humidity will range from 69-76% between kickoff and midnight, fluctuating as the game goes on.
Field Surface:
Yankee Stadium's field consists of Kentucky Bluegrass, which was grown on a 1,300-acre farm in Bridgeton, New Jersey.
Watch tonight's matchup between Notre Dame and Army at Yankee Stadium at 7:00pm EST on NBC or Peacock. Who do you got winning tonight?
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