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Interview with Notre Dame Commit Sean Sevillano Jr

Writer: Mike StaceyMike Stacey

By: Mike Stacey ⏐ Writer ⏐ Twitter: @MikeStaceyIT ⏐ IG:mikestaceyit

Photo - Twitter @59_problemz

I have already written about him, but now you get to hear it straight from the source! Sean Sevillano JR took some time to do an interview with me. We talked about his decision to commit to Notre Dame, his goals, and about him in general. As I have stated in my previous article, I am really excited about what he can be at Notre Dame. He plays mean, strong, and with the kind of violence you want from a D-Lineman. This guy just has the "It" factor to him, and it certainly came out during our interview. Check it all out below! And to get to know Sean even better, follow him on Twitter @59_problemz and Instagram @59.problemz.

What was the recruiting process like for you?

Sean: "It's a tough decision to make as you get closer to it and and get more offers. Obviously for me I want to mention it was a true blessing, something I worked for my entire life up until this moment. I am super grateful to be at a special place like Notre Dame and see myself there not just as a football player but as a man. Seeing myself fit there, my personality being there, and not just my football abilities was big for me. I am very happy to be at a place like Notre Dame."

What were some factors you were looking for in picking a school? Why did you pick Notre Dame?

Sean: " You know you have a few obvious ones like playing at a great football school, which Notre Dame obviously is. You want to find somewhere where you can excel on a personal level, so I want to have individual success, team success, and people. Notre Dame really separated themselves, the people there are awesome. It's become a family to me already and I've only been committed for 3 months. Overall, one of the biggest things for me is academics because I know football doesn't last forever and Notre Dame is one of the best in the country in terms of a degree."

What was the moment when you knew you were going to pick Notre Dame?

Sean: "So really when I went there the first time, it was a very brief visit, I was just in the area. I had the opportunity to spend time with Coach Wash, (Washington)Coach Golden, Coach Free (Freeman), and in the brief 5 hours I spent with them, I was like wow, these guys are real. Then being able to watch the intensity of practice and witness everything, going back home I felt strongly about this place. As I was able to build my relationship more and more it solidified how I felt. When I had the opportunity to commit it was a no brainer for me. I firmly believe this is the best place in the country for me."

Where do you see yourself fitting in on the Defense?

Sean: "Yeah, I believe I am going to be a presence at Nose Tackle. I'm a big strong guy and that's what I've been my whole life. I will also be mixed in at the 3 technique, so everywhere on the inside. I think the biggest impact I will make is wrecking stuff at the Nose Tackle."

What are some of your goals for the upcoming season?

Sean: "I know you mentioned my stat line in your article. I'm the biggest shoot for the stars guy on this planet. I'm going for 40 sacks and 75 tackles for loss. It's definitely an attainable goal and with a tough schedule like ours I'm excited to see how it goes. Our first game is coming up and I am ready to show the country what I got."

What is your relationship like with your fellow commits at Notre Dame?

Sean: "Great! It is truly a great group of guys, top to bottom, from the earlier commits like CJ (Carr), Cam (Williams), and then some of the newer guys like Teddy (Rezac), Bodie (Kahoun), Logan Thomas I'm tight with those guys. It hasn't been hard to get to know the guys, it's a great group of guys and I'm excited to get on campus and work with them."

What are some of your hobbies outside of football?

Sean: "Let's see, I mean my life is eat, sleep, football but other than that I love lifting weights. I love spending time with my guys. There's not much else, my life revolves around football. I hang out with the boys, I go to football practice, go lift, go home and eat, and repeat."

Did you grow up with a favorite college football team?

Sean: "You know, I was huge into the NFL since I started playing football, but not as much college because I grew up in Canada, and there's not as much of a presence there. But a few of my coaches back home were college football alumni like Dean Lytle who was the back up running back at Notre Dame behind Jerome Bettis. I also had two coaches that went to Auburn and Central Michigan. So it was always something I knew about, but I didn't watch until I got into high school ball."

Who is your favorite NFL team?

Sean: "So I grew up playing running back and I was one of those guys that was hard to tackle, and this was around the Marshawn Lynch time so people called me Beast Mode and naturally I became a Seahawks fan. They were also winning at the time."

Who is an NFL player you compare yourself to or aspire to be like?

Sean: "Yeah I aspire to be like Aaron Donald. He is the best in the business, no doubt. I think there is 2 or 3 guys right now that I can compare myself to. I would say Aaron Donald at the 3 tech, Dexter Lawrence at the 1, and Vita Vea for the Bucs. Those are all guys that I have similar traits with and guys I want to take pieces from their game and emulate. If I wanted to be a few guys I'd want to be them, but I'm trying to be as authentically Sean Sevillano as I can."

What is your favorite spot on Notre Dame's campus?

Sean: "I tell you what, this one will not be a surprise to you, the Gug."

Lastly, what is your message to the ND fans?

Sean: "Notre Dame fans are getting the hardest working D Tackle in the country, the hardest working player in the country. I'm coming to be the best player I can and bring home a National Championship. It's going to be a great 3-4 years upcoming for Notre Dame fans."


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